Racial Equality & Justice
Launching a task force to address systemic racism
The Objective
The Salesforce Racial & Equality Task Force was unveiled as a newly-formed initiative dedicated to actively combating racism. It represented a visible commitment to actionable steps aimed at effecting systemic change in communities. The elements included: A renewed approach to designing technology with an inclusive lens, a push to foster inclusive business practices, and reallocation of resources to fund and empower minority-led businesses, and establishment of community-led strategic partnerships. We set out to demonstrate, through these specific and measurable action steps, the brand’s commitment to building a more equitable workplace and world.
The Creative
To authentically represent this commitment to racial equality, we turned to Black leaders within our creative group. They assembled a highly diverse, Black-led creative team, and hired a racially diverse Design Studio and Film Production Company. The resulting visual design system, website, and communications campaign announced the Salesforce Racial Equality and Justice (REJ) initiative. The film, “We Are Here”, premiered during the third annual Representation Matters Event – shining a light on the issue of racial representation in the workplace. To underscore our message, the film concluded by revealing the highly diverse team responsible for its creation.
Creative team: Donald Rusimbi, Shileen Lavalais, Meghana Indurti, Elle Cardenas, Katie Mitchell.