Electronic Arts Environmental Design
Revitalizing creativity with a playful office transformation
The Objective
Motive, energize and inspire the EA’s video game publishing division (APO)  team, as they relocated into a new office space. Develop an environmental design system that reflected the personality of the EA brand and the unique energy of the APO team. Unite the team, promote camaraderie, productivity and connection.

The Creative
Starting with in-depth interviews and extensive immersion into the EA brand, we drew inspiration from the essence of play. We crafted a theme, manifesto, and rallying cry based on perspectives of play. Our theme: “Let’s play,” was not only embraced by the APO team but was also elevated to the global brand marketing team, becoming the cornerstone of EA’s worldwide ad campaign. Our visual identity system infused gaming-inspired graphics throughout the office interior, transforming the workspace into an immersive playground. Bold, vibrant designs adorned the walls and conference rooms, inviting employees to embrace the spirit of play, every day. The transformation was met with overwhelming enthusiasm from employees and executive leadership, breathing new life into the workplace culture and fostering a sense of excitement and renewed creativity. The “Let’s play” ethos became more than just a tagline—it became a guiding principle that fueled collaboration and innovation across all levels of the organization.
Design team: Ian Conklin, Radhika Abhyanker.